Your Practice

Simple Acts of Kindness

little boy helping little girl carry basket of flowers in a field

Kindness. It really is a kind of everyday superpower. One simple act of kindness can turn someone’s day around. For both the person doing it and the recipient, kindness offers an instant boost to the spirits. Kindness has the power to build bridges that connect, and one kind act can ripple out into the world, inspiring each person that is touched by it to pay a little kindness forward. Even just a single smile can change the world.

If you do just one thing today, sprinkle kindness like confetti wherever you go.

Cultivating the power of kindness in your life can be as simple as setting the intention to notice its presence in the world. As I was preparing to write this article, kindness was on my mind. I noticed the fellow shopper who, when my son started having a tantrum in the store, gave me a supportive, judgement-free smile and then started chatting to him to help settle his emotions. As I was leaving the store, the greeter told me I am an amazing human being and, in that moment, I felt unbelievably connected to. Finally, my heart burst wide open when I arrived home from my errands to find my neighbour had mowed my front lawn. Wow! Three incredible kindnesses in one short afternoon left me feeling full – of joy, of love, of hope that there are so many good and beautiful people in the world.

Not only does kindness encourage all the good feels, but it is also a key part of yoga. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is held to be one of the foundational ‘textbooks’ outlining the theory and practice of yoga. This classical text provides a practical framework for practitioners and, listed as the very first step on the yoga path, is ahimsa. The literal translation of ahimsa is ‘without harm’ or ‘non-violence.’ A better English translation is ‘kindness.’ Before breathing, or making shapes with the body, or focusing the mind, is kindnessI invite you to nurture your kindness practice.

No matter what else is going on in your life, whether you make it onto your mat or not, choose the kindness approach. I honestly believe that if more and more of us choose to think kind thoughts, speak kind words, and do kind things, the world will become a happier, healthier place. So, if you do just one thing today, sprinkle kindness like confetti wherever you go.

Even just a single smile can change the world.

In case you need a bit of kindness inspiration, here are some simple acts of kindness to slip into your day:

    1. Smile at someone
    2. Compliment someone
    3. Give someone a hug
    4. Tell people you love that you love them
    5. Be on time
    6. Send a message to say ‘hi’ or tell someone that they’re important to you
    7. Call your parents and grandparents
    8. Call someone you haven’t for a while, no matter how long it’s been
    9. Call someone for no reason
    10. Forgive someone
    11. Don’t complain
    12. Don’t gossip
    13. Only post positive and supportive comments on social media
    14. Put your phone away in the company of others
    15. Take the time to listen, without interrupting or sharing your thoughts, opinions, and judgements
    16. Attend events that are important to your friends or their children
    17. Invite someone to join you on an outing or to an event
    18. Give someone a thoughtful gift
    19. Talk to someone at a party or event that doesn’t look like they know anyone, or someone that seems shy
    20. Include the newcomer to a group, class, or workplace
    21. Be kind to your server
    22. Get excited about what excites the person you’re talking to
    23. Ask a senior about their past
    24. Ask someone about their day, and be interested in their response
    25. Introduce yourself
    26. Learn people’s names
    27. Chat to your neighbours
    28. Mow your neighbour’s front lawn
    29. Bake something and share it or give it away (at the office, with your neighbours, with a friend)
    30. Make extra of a meal and drop it off for someone who could use the help
    31. Do chores for someone that could use the extra time
    32. Do a favour for someone
    33. Write uplifting messages on post it notes and leave them in library books, on bathroom mirrors, on car windscreens, or in lunch boxes
    34. Stay late for a co-worker who needs to leave
    35. Share your knowledge
    36. Write a thank you note
    37. Make and send a handmade card
    38. Share books, memes, movie names and recipes with your friends
    39. Make note of friends and family members’ important dates
    40. Let someone go ahead of you: in the queue, through the door, in traffic
    41. Stop to let people and animals cross the road
    42. Help someone across the road
    43. Share your umbrella with someone
    44. Give up your seat on the bus or train
    45. Hold the door
    46. Take extra reusable shopping bags to give to anyone that forgot theirs
    47. Help someone struggling with their bags
    48. Offer to return someone else’s trolley
    49. Carpool
    50. Give away coupons or vouchers
    51. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in the queue
    52. Let managers know when their employees have done a good job
    53. Write a fabulous online review
    54. Be patient and kind to the customer service person on the phone
    55. Support parents of children having meltdowns in public
    56. Forgive a debt
    57. Apologise
    58. Let someone else choose what to watch
    59. Help someone that’s lost something
    60. Offer to take a photo
    61. Take photos of mum friends with their children
    62. Recycle
    63. Use your own reusable water bottle
    64. Take your own reusable coffee cup
    65. Pick up litter
    66. Pick up after your dog
    67. Donate used clothes, books, toys, and household goods
    68. Donate old towels, blankets, and sheets to animal shelters
    69. Plant a tree
    70. Blow bubbles at the park
    71. Teach children about kindness
    72. Keep your word
    73. Be patient and understanding

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