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Rainbow Gratitude Leaf Garland

Rainbow Gratitude Leaf Garland

Nurture your child’s gratitude mindset by making a Gratitude Leaf Garland with them. Its a simple, quick-to-prepare, and joyful activity.

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is a simple practice that can have lasting positive impacts on our social, emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being.

Sense Walk

Sense Walk

Whether you’re walking through the woods or your garden, sense walks are a simple way of bringing a little mindfulness to your day.

The Power of Walking

The Power of Walking

When it comes to self-care, never underestimate the power of walking to improve your physical and mental well-being.

Good Night, Body

Good Night, Body

Good Night, Body is a delightful and cosy book for you and your child to snuggle up with at bedtime. Within its pages lies a mindfulness meditation known as body scanning, brought to life by the beautiful and dreamy illustrations of Borghild Fallberg.

Listen to Your Tea

Listen to Your Tea

The simple task of preparing and drinking a cup of tea (or coffee) is the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness.

An Introduction to Mindfulness

An Introduction to Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a hugely beneficial well-being practice that helps you to connect to yourself and the world around you anytime, anywhere.

The Power of Your Voice

The Power of Your Voice

your voice for it is one of the most precious and powerful treasures you have, connecting your inner and outer worlds.

The Yin of Meltdowns

The Yin of Meltdowns

Yin yoga offers a blueprint for managing children’s tantrums and meltdowns. Here’s how.

Simple Acts of Kindness

Simple Acts of Kindness

Simple acts of kindness can go a long way towards changing the world. Here are some ideas to inspire you.