Your Invitation to Pause


A child jumping in puddles is the very embodiment of connection. They are experiencing their senses, their body, their environment, their flow, their joy – completely and fully. In that moment, that child is wholeheartedly connected to the very essence of what it means to be alive. 

Hello! I’m Emma.

Mama, mentor, connection cultivator

I’m on a mission is to inspire women (especially the busy ones) to cultivate a more connected life for themselves and their families. 

I believe that connection is the key to everyday joy, well-being, and wholehearted connection. I am passionate about helping women to find a deeper sense of connection, both within themselves and with the world around them. To do this, I blend together my lived experiences with the art and science of language, stories, yoga, mindfulness, and play.

yellow gumboots splashing in puddle

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